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Uscg opm Form: What You Should Know

CG-5001STUDENT BENEFIT OFFICER (SSO) Publication NumberTitleOrganicGC‑5715APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION U.S. REGISTERED PILOTCG-W Coast Guard (CG) Official Forms for Coast Guard Cadet (Class C or D) Recruit Training and Development Program (CB TDP)— Publication NumberTitleOrganizationCG‑3308ADMINISTRATIVE REMARKSCGPC‑aCG‑5015CORRECTION OF REGISTER OF OFFICERS OF THE USCGCGCPC‑o.CG‑5311DISTANCE TRIP RECORDINGCADDP‑oCG‑5312SCHOOL OF COMBAT LEATHER TRAININGCDFTG-oCN−1ADOPMENEL COMPLIANCEDOPMCGG‑aCG−5827INFORMATION REPORTCDR‑o.CG‑5500PASSPORT TRANSFER TO USCGBORRIGGER OFFICER DATES Publication NumberTitleOrganicGC‑5715APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION U.S. REGISTERED PILOTCG-W Federal Air Marshals (FANS) (FAMS‐1) Federal Air Marshals have a minimum of 3 years of Coast Guard experience. In addition to their Coast Guard duties, FANS members typically assume administrative functions for their assigned duty stations, including air traffic control; emergency management; aircraft accident investigation; aircraft maintenance; flight control; flight deck procedures; flight operations, including flight and mission planning; and aviation investigations. FANS officers require a pilot permit that indicates their qualifications, and are subject to training requirements. FANS officers have access to all Coast Guard facilities in the continental United States. An Air Marshal's annual salary range is 90,858–123,854 in 2025 dollars. (FAMS‐1) Federal Air Marshals have a minimum of 3 years of Coast Guard experience. In addition to their Coast Guard duties, FANS members typically assume administrative functions for their assigned duty stations, including air traffic control; emergency management; aircraft accident investigation; aircraft maintenance; flight control; flight decks procedures; flight operations, including flight and mission planning; and aviation investigations. FANS officers require a pilot permit that indicates their qualifications, and are subject to training requirements. FANS officers have access to all Coast Guard facilities in the continental United States.

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